成人版家有兒女:如我們一般fucked -uplife 2021-12-10
"Then can I walk beside you?" 2021-03-13
I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, "Where are you going?"
And this he told me"I''m going on down to Yasgur''s farm
I''m gonna join in a rock ''n'' roll band
I''m gonna camp out on the land
I''m gonna try an'' get my soul free"We are stardust
We are golden
And w...
Notes on the Ideal Life 2020-06-21
Finishing the second season in one day, eating ice creams until brain freeze kicked in. Then I took ibuprofen and continued watching. It is a very depressing show, mostly because it is brutally honest. This season is even more honest than the first one in that as we get to know the characters, their...
Quotes 2014-03-28
202I''ve always wanted everybody to like me. Even though I hated myself, you had to like me. When I rebuilt my foundation, and I was able to honor and elevate the better part of me, I realized: I really like me. So you don''t have to.203Waiting only gives you more time just to make excuses.205I''m s...
也許 生命只是一個回環 2011-08-25
斷斷續續地看了很久今天看完Six Feet Under第二季 淚點很高的自己終于還是淚目習慣了懸疑片 警匪片的緊張節奏 一集接一集地迫不及待突然這樣慢節奏地看一部劇 感覺更像是生活本身曾經看過一條Six Feet Under的影評 說是“美劇之王,只有最強,沒有之一”這樣的評價在少部分人的心中 也許真的是成立的雖然很多大段的對白也讓...
《six feet under/ 六尺之下》全五季下載 2011-07-24
《six feet under/ 六尺之下》全五季下載 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/770353798 再推薦近三十部劇集的下載! http://t.cn/hd6REB http://hi.baidu.com/tankdream/blog/item/4955342abf0b40375343c108.html