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喬希·托馬斯(《請喜歡我》)將出演《一切都會好起來的》(Everything's Gonna Be Okay,暫譯),與此同時他還將操刀劇集劇本,該劇共10集。講述托馬斯飾演的尼古拉斯是一個略有神經(jīng)質(zhì)的26歲男孩,他和單親父親以及兩個同父異母的妹妹... 更多




this is a desk 2021-05-16

this is a desk , its a apple . myname are tom clus. Day day UPthis is a desk , its a apple . myname are tom clus. Day day UPthis is a desk , its a apple . myname are tom clus. Day day UP 詳情

The world isn't listening 2020-04-21

Everything''s Gonna Be Okay Season 1 EP9The world isn''t listening,okay?The universe doesn''t care about your problems,All people are interested in is what you are offering them.IF you don''t figure out what you have to offer the worldand then offer it...You are gonna be poor,Be alone.I know this is... 詳情

Genevieve的小詩 2020-04-11

These halls I’ve walked for a million days.These caves I’ve stalked for trillion nights.I smell the molasses drip down from the carcass.Drip..I’m asleep, one eye open.I’m awake, one eye shut.Mother Orca, wiggle your tail.Tell me whether you’re business or slut.My ugly foot is crackling, no loti... 詳情

話不嫌多我們也不嫌吵架兇 2020-02-05

It was so good it was so sweet.everyone is unique individuals.sometimes we need to say our feelings.but the most things is we are too afraid to hurt ours feelings.we too scared to show not much ourselves.尼古拉斯的媽媽keep telling him his importants self-value.i think little girls are triky but unsu... 詳情

This is my apology, 0000-00-00

This is my apology.From the back row.Can you hear me? This is my apology, I take too long. And the mold came.And the sun fell. I''m moondust. I''m aftertaste. This is my apology. For a slow-motion pace. 詳情
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